Website refresh

Hello ! As you may have noticed - this website looks different now ! Why is that ? I’ve not only changed the visual theme but also a lot of underlying infrastructure. Let’s start with describing the old setup and see where we can improve. The site previously ran on Nikola, was built on Travis and then pushed to Netlify, which I later changed to Github Pages. While it worked it had some issues of its own; [Read More]

Adding graphs to posts in Nikola

Update as of April 2019 This blog no longer runs on Nikola so the embedded examples do not work anymore. The method described in the post is still valid though. I really like to teach, try to explain things in a simple manner. There is often no better way of making an explanation than visualizing it. The problem is that I really can’t draw, especially on a computer. Wouldn’t it be awesome if I could make the computer draw for me ? [Read More]