It was December, 3D printing fever struck me. Here is the first day of me building ReprapPro Mendel printer. {{< gallery dir="galleries/assembling-reprap/1" />}} Second day of building. Fun fact: you can see the daylight come and go ; ... read more →
I recently gave a two hours presentation on Erlang 101 along with Fabian. Because of the generous support from Infusion I was able to speak at Institute of Computer Science at University of Wroclaw. The event was a blast, and that is an opinion of th ... read more →
support for 16GB of RAM contact smartcard reader ~2kg weight 11-14" matte, non-glossy screen good keyboard, with separate [home], [end], [insert], [delete] buttons screen resolution of >=1440 HDMI at least 2x USB2.0 and 1x USB3.0 no optical ... read more →