New laptop

Hey, remember my search for the new laptop ? It’s finally over ! I found that Clevo, Taiwanese custom laptop manufacturer, has recently added 13'3 FullHD laptop base to their offerings - W230ST. And to my surprise - there is a Polish importer which allows pretty neat specs calibration for you. Game on you say ? Indeed. What I like about it: Haswell-based, so all the new tech is here, same as in the newest MacBooks up to 16GB RAM, I have 8GB installed for now and it works pretty good 2x mPCIx mSATA capable slots nice copper cooling inside FullHD matte display 4x USB HDMI typing on its keyboard, just clicks with me survived OHM2013 camp - not scared of humidity and hot air What I do not like so much: Haswell-based, so Linux support is not that great yet, everything seems to be working okay, however power consumption is off the limits. [Read More]

Automating running Debian in VirtualBox

I’m experimenting with service separation by having each service run in its own operating system, all of the sharing hardware though. Why ? Separation seems to be the only secure approach to running any software. Check Joanna’s blog out. I went with VirtualBox on Debian 7 host, with, well, Debian 7 guests. First I’ve prepared template VM by creating a new VM and just proceeding with install. Then I tried spawning some clones of that, but having it done manually takes quite some time and is error prone. [Read More]

How to remove multiarch in debian 7

Just a quick one, for me to remember and for you to enjoy.

dpkg -l | grep :i386 | cut -s -d ' ' -f3 | xargs apt-get remove -y
dpkg --remove-architecture i386
apt-get update

Building NAS - software

Operating system I think my NAS box build is no longer in much flux, so I thought it’d be nice to describe it. I had some disks laying around, I had them installed and started playing with the software setup. Disk /dev/sda: 60.0 GB, 60022480896 bytes Disk /dev/sdb: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes Disk /dev/sdc: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes Disk /dev/sdd: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes Disk /dev/sde: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes First one is an SSD drive, I used it for OS installation. [Read More]

Building NAS - hardware

For a long time I’ve wandered the voids of the intertubes in search for the parts for my NAS/backup/home server solution. Online backup solutions are fine to some extent, however, someone else than you then is going through that cat picture collections of yours and other private stuff. Also the cloud tends to not be the cheapest option possible. Case The need for moar virtual disk space calls for moar physical disk space. [Read More]

Assembling RepRapPro Mendel

It was December, 3D printing fever struck me. Here is the first day of me building ReprapPro Mendel printer. Img 0362 Img 0363 Img 0364 Img 0365 Img 0366 Img 0367 Img 0368 Img 0369 Img 0370 Img 0371 Img 0372 Img 0373 Img 0374 Img 0375 Img 0376 Second day of building. Fun fact: you can see the daylight come and go ;) Img 0377 Img 0378 Img 0379 [Read More]

Erlang Tech night

I recently gave a two hours presentation on Erlang 101 along with Fabian. Because of the generous support from Infusion I was able to speak at Institute of Computer Science at University of Wroclaw. The event was a blast, and that is an opinion of the people other than me also ;) Thanks for everyone who was there and you can find the code and slides on github